Thursday, December 22, 2011

some meaningful words

Dear All.

Here is a list of words describing good / positive human qualities
which if used for others, can make them happy and feel better. Their
frequent use can result in overall improvement in the quality of life around us.
This list is not conclusive. You may add more words / qualities to it.

Stay blessed

Able, Accurate, Accommodating, Adaptable, Adorable, Adventurous,
Affectionate, Alert, Alive, Altruistic, Amazing, Ambitious,
Analytic, Appreciative, Appealing, Artistic, Assertive, Astonishing, Assuring,
Attentive, Attractive, Aware, Awesome, Balanced, Beautiful, Blessed,
Blissful, Blooming, Bold, Bountiful, Brave, Breath-taking, Broad
minded, Bright, Brilliant, Calm, Capable, Careful, Caring, Cautious, Centered,
Certain, Charitable, Charming, Cheerful, Civic-minded, Civilized,
Clean, Clever, Colorful, Competitive, Clear-headed, Communicative,
Commanding, Compassionate, Compatible, Competitive, Confident, Conscientious,
Considerate, Consistent, Content, Co-operative, Courageous,
Conscientious,Courteous, Creative, Credible, Cuddly, Curios, Cute, Dashing,
Decisive, Dedicated, Delightful, Dependable, Desirable, Determined, Devoted,
Diligent, Disciplined, Discrete, Dynamic, Easy to get along with, Eager,
Efficient, Elegant, Empathetic, Enduring, Energetic, Enlightened, Enthusiastic,
Excellent, Exciting, Exhilarating, Experienced, Expert, Fair, Fair
minded, Faithful, Farsighted, Flexible, Flourishing, Focused, Forgiving,
Fortuitous, Freedom loving, Fresh, Friendly, Fun loving, Funny, Generous, Gentle,
Good, Gorgeous, Glorious, Graceful, Gratuitous, Great, Grand, Handsome,
Happy, Hard working, Hard task master, Harmonious, Healthy, Heavenly,
Helpful, Hopeful, Humble, Humorous, Honest, Idealistic, Imaginative, Having
Integrity, Independent, Industrious, Innovative, Insightful,
Inspiring, Interesting, Intelligent, Intense, Intuitive, Inventive, Invigorating,
Joyful, Juicy, Just, Kind, Kind hearted, Leading or Leader, Learned,
Loving, Loyal, Lucky, Luscious, Luxurious, Macho, Magical, Manly, Magnificent,
Masculine, Mature, Moral, Motivating, Natural, Neat, Noble,
Noticeable, Nurturing, Obedient, Objective, Open, Optimistic, Original, Organized,
Outgoing, Outstanding, Out of the world, Passionate, Patient,
Peaceful, Perceptive, Persevering, Persistent, Persuasive, Playful, Poetic,
Polite, Popular, Powerful, Practical, Precious, Precise, Profound,
Progressive, Proud, Professional, Punctual, Pure, Purposeful, Questioning, Quick-witted, Realistic, Refreshing, Reliable, Renowned, Resilient, Resourceful,
Respectable, Respectful, Responsible, Rich, Romantic, Rosy,
Scrupulous, Shining, Seductive, Selfless, Self-confident, Self-disciplined,
Self-reliant, Sensitive, Sensual, Serene, Sexy, Sharp, Simple,
Sincere, Skilled, Smart, Smooth, Soft, Special, Spectacular, Spiritual,
Splendid, Spontaneous, Sporting, Stable, Steadfast, Strategic, Stunning, Strong,
Strong willed, Stylish, Successful, Supportive, Supreme, Sure footed,
Sympathetic, Tactful, Talented, Tenacious, Tender, Terrific, Thinking,
Thorough, Thoughtful, Thriving, Tolerant, Tough, Trusting,
Trustworthy, Unassuming, Understanding, Unwavering, Untiring, Uplifting, Useful,
Valuable, Vibrant, Vital, Warm hearted, Well groomed, Wholesome,
Willing, worker, Wise, Worthy, Youthful, Zealous.

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