Saturday, December 24, 2011


As the magical day of spiritual blessings and gifting is on the horizon, let us take time to give a special prayer for peace on Earth and all who dwell upon her. It is so easy to get caught up in the commercialism of the season and all of the wonderful lights and decorations. If each soul simply took one moment, one breath, with one heart beat dedicated to a peaceful planet - we would all be so wonderfully blessed.

To enjoy family is one of the greatest gifts that we have to open on Christmas morning. Not everyone has family to share the day with or to talk with, or to share a wonderful meal with. So when you are offering your gratitude and thanks for your own family, please include those who don't have one in your blessings.

Ok - ok I know that sometimes family and Christmas are a recipe for disaster or indigestion, but we can change that perception in our hearts and minds and simply become an observer of human nature for the duration of our visits. Hold the vision of unity, oneness and a sense of peace on earth will calm, and comfort you through the holidays.

I have enjoyed meeting you and sharing my work of insights and inspirations. Please have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as we begin the countdown to a better world.

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