Tuesday, December 27, 2011


It's not just the women who moan, groan and whine. Men do it too. Here is the other side of being with over-expressive men!

YOU ARE dressed to kill but your man
doesn’t shower you with compliments. Instead he just says, “Nice dress.” You are feeling all under weather and all he says, “don’t behave like a cry baby.” Yet, there are times, when men are over-emotional, over-expressive. But are women ready to deal with expressive men? Till now, they moaned how men can’t express their need to be pamp e re d . V J Anusha Dandekar says, “I can never be with guys who are over-sensitive. Instead, they should be head strong. Such men are so desirable. After all, it’s women who tend to express themselves with tears.”
Meet Charu Kalra, HR consultant who says, “On regular intervals my boyfriend would give me letters describing about our best times together. It was quite sweet but then everytime I was with my friends; he would come up with cards and letters. Eventually all this started embarassing me. Why couldn’t he keep it subtle? Now that we’re no longer together is proof enough how much it irritated me.”
There are some women, who want to be with expressive men. Mansi Sharma, PR executive says, “It’s not that I like all that emotional stuff but I am happy that he pours his heart out to me.” Televison’s love guru and actor Pooja Mishra explains, “Men should never resort to over-expression. Women appreciate emotions but what
guys need to understand
is that there is a very thin line between being mushy and being pushy. If a man expresses his sensitivity with élan and panache, a woman can take it but if he over does, it’s an overkill.” Psychiatrist Sandeep Vohra agrees, “Over expression in any form is not healthy. So guys, don’t put your emotions on display.”

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