Monday, December 19, 2011


Attached Image: mars2.jpg

The number 9 stands in symbolism for the Planet Mars. This number influences all persons born on the 9th, 18th, and 27th of any month, but still more so if their birthday falls in the period between the 21st March and April 19th-26th (called the House of Mars Positive) or in the period between the 21st October and November 20th-27th (called the House of Mars Negative).

This number 9 has some very curious properties. It is the only number in calculation that, multiplied by any number, always reproduces itself, as for example 9 times 2 is 18, and 8 plus I becomes again the 9, and so on with every number it is multiplied by.

It is, perhaps, not uninteresting to notice that :

At the 9th day the ancients buried their dead.
At the 9th hour the Saviour died on the Cross.
The Romans held a feast in memory of their dead every
9th year.

In some of the Hebrew writings it is taught that God
has 9 times descended to this earth:
1St in the Garden of Eden,
2nd at the confusion of tongues at Babel,
3rd at the destruction of Sodom and GO:Q:lorrah,
4th to Moses at Horeb,
5th at Sinai when the Ten Commandments were given,
6th to Balaam,
7th to Elisha,
8th in the Tabernacle,
9th in the Temple at Jerusalem,
and it is taught that at the 10th coming this earth will pass away and a new one will be created.

Both the First and Second Temples of the Jews were
destroyed on the 9th day of the Jewish month called Ab.
On the 9th day of Ab Jews who follow their religion cannot
wear the Talith and Phylacteries until the Sun has set.

There are so many curious things connected with the number 9 that it would not be possible to deal with one half of them in this description.

For all purposes of occult calculation the numbers 7 and 9 are considered the most important of all.
The 7 has always been understood to relate to the spiritual plane, acting as the God or creative force on the Earth, and being creative, it is the uplifting" urge" towards the higher development of the spiritual in humanity.
The 9 on the contrary, being, in the Planetary World, the representative of the Planet Mars, is the number of physical force in every form, and consequently stands in relation to the material.

When this explanation is carefully considered it throws an illuminating light on that mysterious text in Revelation, chapter xiii. verse 18: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of man, and his number is 666."

This strange text has puzzled the theological mind for centuries, yet if you will take the trouble to add 666 together you will get 18, and I plus 8 gives you the figure 9, which in turn represents the 9 Planets of our Solar System, the 9 numbers upon which man builds all his calculations, and beyond which he cannot go except by continual repetition of the numbers I to 9.

"6 6 6" producing its" spirit number" (as explained in the preceding page) of 9 is therefore, in all truth as Revelation states, "the number of man."

The hidden meaning of this number is one of the greatest secrets of occultism, and has been concealed in a thousand ways, just as the cryptic text in Revelation has hidden it for centuries from the minds of Theologians.

The number 9 representing man and everything to do with the physical and material plane, is the number of force, energy, destruction and war in its most dominant quality. In its relation to ordinary life it denotes energy, ambition, leadership, domination. It represents iron, the metal from which the weapons of warfare are made, and the Planet Mars which it stands for in Astrology is the Ruler of the Zodiacal Sign Aries which is the Sign of the Zodiac which governs England. This symbolism was evidently well known by Shakespeare when he wrote" England, thou seat of Mars."

The number 9 is an emblem of matter that can never be destroyed, so the number 9 when multiplied by any number
always reproduces itself, no matter what the extent of the number is that has been employed.

The Novendiale was a fast in the Roman Catholic Church to avert calamities, and from this came the Roman Catholic system of Neuvaines.

In Freemasonry there is an Order of "Nine Elected Knights," and in the working of this Order 9 roses, 9 lights and 9 knocks must be used.

All ancient races encouraged a fear of the number 9, and all its multiples.

The number 9 is considered a fortunate number to be born under, provided the man or woman does not ask for a peaceful or monotonous life, and can control their nature in not making enemies.

Let us read about qualities of Number "9" people

Qualities of Number "9" people

General Characteristics

Number 9 persons are 'fighters in all they attempt in life. They usually have difficult times in their early years, but generally they are, in the end, successful by their grit, strong will, and determination. ,
In character, they are hasty in temper, impulsive, independent, and desire to be their own masters.

When the number 9 is noticed to be more than usually dominant in the dates and events of their lives they will be found to make great enemies, to cause strife and opposition wherever they may be, and they are often wounded or killed either in warfare or in the battle of life.

They have great courage and make excellent soldiers or leaders in any cause they espouse.

Their greatest dangers arise from foolhardiness and impulsiveness in word and action. They are also peculiarly prone to accidents from fire and explosions, and rarely get through life without injury, from such causes. As a general rule they go under many operations by the surgeon's knife.

They usually experience many quarrels and strife in their home life, either with their own relations or with the family they marry into.

They strongly resent criticism, and even when not conceited, they have always a good opinion of themselves, brooking no interference with their plans. They like to be "looked up to" and recognized as "the head of the house. "

They are resourceful and excellent in organisation, but they must have the fullest control; if not, they lose heart and stand aside and let things go to pieces. For affection and sympathy they will do almost anything,
and the men of this number can be made the greatest fools of, if some clever woman gets pulling at their heartstrings.

Favorable Dates & Days

As a rule they get on best with persons whose birth date is one of the series of 3, 6, or 9, such as those born on the
3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th, or 30th of any month. All these numbers are in harmonious vibration to the number 9 people.

Their most important days in the week are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, but more especially Tuesday (called Mars Day).

Number 9 people should endeavour to carry out their plans and aims on all days that fall under their" own number," such as the 9th, 18th, or 27th in any month, but more especially when these dates fall in the" period of the 9," between the 21st March and April 19th-26th, or from the 21st October to November 20th-27th. And when the 9th, 18th, or 27th falls on their" own day," as mentioned above, or one of their interchangeable numbers which are the 3 and 6, such as the 3rd, 6th, 12th, 15th, 21st, 24th, and 30th.

Lucky Colors and Jewels

The" lucky" colours for persons born under the number 9 are all shades of crimson or red, also all rose tones and pink.

Their" lucky" stones are the ruby, garnet, and bloodstone, and they should wear one of these stones next their skin.

This number is supposed to be a fortunate one to be born under, provided one controls it and is not carried away by the excesses of temper and violence that it a

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