Tuesday, February 7, 2012


~ The Price Of Love ~
She soared so high and free,
all pure and lovely as could be.
She knew no worry, stress or pain.
No one could imprison her by force or chain.
But as it must be, a conqueror came.
So handsome and bold, and lit the flame,
between these free spirited souls.
Their love was beautiful and all aglow.

In time their passionate thirst was quenched
and the flame of love was flickering low ...
In the cold darkness of reality it began to show
Their love had taken their freedom and turned them to foes.
When they could stand it no longer,
they both returned to find their lost freedom
and search for their identity they felt they had lost.
But each day that passed their need for each other grew stronger.
Now they're no longer unencumbered and free...
this is the price of love, you see.
Whether together or apart
the one you love has imprisoned your heart.

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