Saturday, February 4, 2012


Jealousy, cattiness are the worst enemies of girl power.
Rouge asks if it's time to let go of feelings of resentment
against each other

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IT'S ALWAYS a woman who pulls another woman down. Why haven't we learnt our lessons? Why do women let jealousy get in the way of friendship? Believe it or not, Keira Knightley is jealous of other women's legs. Paris Hilton believes that Nicole Richie is 'jealous' of her and that's the reason for their sour relationship. So heartbroken, Paris even wrote a song 'Jealousy' for her ex-girlfriend:
I was always happy, When I was watching you become a star, But you were only happy, When the world was openin' up my scars…
Fact is, we need to create a new 'calm power' at our workplace, where women change the social landscape from one of competition to cooperation.
'We don't need to pull other women down'

"It is true, women are generally interested in knowing what other female friends are doing. But I guess it's in their nature, they can't help it. It brings women some kind of joy to see another woman's downfall. But those are only 'socalled' friends not the real ones. I guess there's need for 21st-century girl power not one-upmanship, we don't need to pull other women down. We should concentrate positive energies on ourselves rather than getting jealous. It's better to see how far you can go ahead in life rather than waiting for your friends to fall badly. Things won't change overnight but gradually."
'Vanity, thy name is woman'

"When I was in school and I used to participate in competitions, I realised that my own dear girlfriends are competing with me; they wanted to win at any cost. They were not my true friends, they were my competitors. Now, in the music industry, I get negative vibes from other female singers, who are not happy to see me climb the ladder of success. If you are very good looking, your friends get jealous. But I believe that it's all in the mind, if you are mature and sensible enough then you won't ever let something as small as jealousy harm your relationship."
'Never mix your business and friendship'

"Jealousy is very normal especially in the working environment. The one thing that I've learnt in my professional life is that you should never mix business and friendship. You won't be able to find true friends in the place where you are working. Particularly with female friends, they can get jealous of anything and everything, so it's much better to have just cordial relationship and nothing more. Possessiveness to what you have achieved and insecurities result in jealousy. The worst can be a friend of yours 'hitting on your husband', that's the end of friendship for me. Women can't stop competing with other women, that's the rule of the game and it goes on and on."
'Jealousy is normal, just another human trait'

"In this competitive world, jealousy is normal, it is just another human trait. I think if jealousy is equal from both sides, then the relationship will soon die. But why should jealousy take over your relationship. Take for example, in my industry, each model should let her talent and work
speak for her. Women should create their own identity rather than indulging in cat fights, that's so immature! There's so much to do in life than thinking bad about others. Women should rise above all this nonsense."
'Jealousy is part of the game'

"Wherever there's competition -- be it based on work, looks, lifestyle, money or anything, jealousy creeps in. What I've gathered from my experience all these years is, that you can't find loyal girlfriends in your workplace. You won't ever be able to give 100% in a friendship; you will always be cautious and insecure. In this glamour industry, people are always trying to pull me down. I believe, your hard work and dedication will make you come out as a winner. Women get jealous very easily; even your decent lifestyle can get on their nerves very quickly. Accept it; jealousy is part of the game."

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