Thursday, March 15, 2012


My Journal
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Journal Entries 41-50 of 90
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Woman we adore editdelete
3 months ago

MISTAKES editdelete
3 months ago

If a scientist makes a mistake,

It is a Description:

If a tailor makes a mistake,

It is a Description:

If a teacher makes a mistake,

It is a Description:

If our boss makes a mistake,
It is a
New idea

If an employee makes a mistake,
It is a
Mistake Only
FRIENSHIP editdelete
3 months ago

AS I"M editdelete
3 months ago

I might not be someone's first choice, but I am a great choice. I don't pretend to be someone I'm not, because I'm good at being me. I might not be proud of some of the things I've done in the past, but I'm proud of who I am today. I may not be perfect, but I don't need to be. I am the way God made me. Take me as I am or watch me as I walk away!
AS I FEEL editdelete
3 months ago

ABOUT ME editdelete
3 months ago


i am a total package of what people can label: ironic. i am passionate about a lot of things but it takes me a while to get going.
i am a lazy go-getter. believe me.

i am a love romanticist.

i love the IDEA of love and the FEELING of loving.

i embrace everything that this great feeling has to offer including pain.

i embrace pain, mine or others.

love is never complete without it afterall.

i THINK i grow stronger each and everytime i am weakened...

i am a dramaqueen,

a frustrated writter, singer and artist.haha...

my life is like a series of

stage plays and tv commercials: bitter and sweet...

i am hopeful.

i look at things hoping that

tomorrow they will be ok,

if not better.

i counted and came up with the exact figures:

i have a gazillion acquaintances,

thousands of friends,

hundreds of so-so's

and a handful of trusted loved ones.

when i dream (which is most of the time),

i dream big.

i believe that we have the capacity to

achieve whatever it is that we imagine.

i may seem uptight,

but i melt each and every time i fall in love.

i am a child in disguise.

i play,

i run,

i tumble and i fly.

i chase butterflies...

i am not so much like a princess.

i'd rather be a queen.

i am simple and complicated

and i believe there is no better way to say this.

i am fragile and sensitive.

my thorns can prick you,

but i assure you i can cure the pain...

i believe.

i worry.

i assume.

i think.

i laugh.

i cry.

i feel.


i am HUMAN.

After reading this, you may think you know a lot about me, but i'm telling you, you don't :]
LOVE editdelete
3 months ago

Love is like magic
and it always will be
For love still remains
life's sweet mystery
Love works in ways
that are wondrous and strange
And there's nothing in life
that love cannot change!
Love can transform
the most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
and sweetness and grace.
Love is unselfish
understanding and kind
For it sees with its heart
and not with its mind
Love is the answer
that everyone seeks
Love is the language
that every heart speaks
Love can't be bought
it is priceless and free
Love, like pure magic
is life's sweet mystery!
SELF ACTIVITY editdelete
3 months ago
1st Self Improvement Activity:
Use your energy on important things If you want to succeed in life, you should not waste your energy on activities that do not bring any benefits.
Such useless activities include surfing the Internet without any purpose, watching TV, worrying and wasting money.
When you are involved in such activities, you have no or little energy left for activities that can create a better future. It is worth prioritizing and accomplishing important tasks first, and then if you still have enough energy, you may decide to do the unimportant.
2nd Self Improvement Activity:
Focus on one task at a time if you want to get perfect results, you should only concentrate on one activity. This way all your energy will go into it and you will accomplish it perfectly.
If you waste your energy on several things at the same time, you will get average results because you will divide your energy between the activities.

3rd Self Improvement Activity:
Control your thinking to avoid chaos in your mind resulting in chaos in the outside world; you should try to observe your thoughts. Once you start doing that, you will notice how many negative thoughts you get daily.
By observing negative thinking you will be able to emotionally disengage from it. As a result, negative thinking will affect you less and you will notice that your days are getting more peaceful and positive.
SELF ACTIVITY editdelete
3 months ago
4th Self Improvement Activity:
Get organized when you live in an organized manner, you do not suffer from stress and your life is peaceful and balanced.
To start living this way, you should start planning your day in advance. This will eliminate any stress caused by being late to a meeting or forgetting to complete some task.
You should also live in tidiness because by keeping your home clean you also keep your mental state clear and peaceful. Such mental state will benefit you in many ways, including improved memory and less negativity.
5th Self Improvement Activity:
Live in the present although this self improvement activity may seem strange to you, it is a very important activity that many ignore. The majority of people do not live in the present. They either dwell on their past or daydream about the future. They seem to forget the most important time of all - the present.
You should enjoy every present moment because your current state of mind always manifests in the outside world, creating your future accordingly.

Therefore if your main mood is very positive, you will experience only happy days. However, if you dwell on negative thoughts, you are sure to encounter many obstacles and misfortunes in the present and days to come
self activity editdelete
3 months ago
6th Self Improvement Activity:
Complete each task in a perfect manner whenever you are working on some project, try to accomplish it in the best way possible. Always ask yourself 'Is this project turned out as perfect as it could possibly be?' If the answer is no, try to correct or add something to it until there is nothing that you can improve.
This way you will make sure that each single task you accomplish is done in an excellent manner. By doing this you will create successful future because you cannot possibly fail if you only get perfect results.
Also, when you entirely focus on one task excluding everything else, you will notice that you start enjoying the task. If you concentrate on the task but still do not enjoy it that means that you probably see the task as a means to an end rather than the process.
You should start focusing on the process itself to find enjoyment in the task. Such enjoyment will fuel motivation and you will accomplish everything quicker and better.
If you enjoy your work, you will put only positive energy into it. As a result, your completed tasks will bring you success.
7th Self Improvement Activity:
Challenge yourself Nothing develops you more than challenges. Challenges force you to shift your comfort zone, experience new situations and make you grow. Without challenges life would be very boring and depressing.
Challenges are necessary for every human being who is seeking quality life. Only through trial and error you realize who you really are, which activities you like and what preferences you have.
You can easily measure the success of a person by the amount of challenges s/he had.

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