Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Heal Your Relationship Through Dream Interpretation relationship dreams that heal While your conscious mind sifts through the dilemmas in your life, your subconscious mind puts solutions together. If your relationship is in troubled water, your mind is trying desperately just to stay afloat. Your subconscious, meanwhile, is illustrating the big picture and the best direction. These illustrations come in the form of dreams. In stressful times as well as exciting times, our dreams deliver messages about what is happening and sometimes they even offer solutions. If the current crisis is bringing you confusion, a good night's sleep might be the best way to sort things out. Keep a notebook, pen and low-light lamp nearby. When you awaken, write down what you just dreamt. If you do not remember any dreams, simply lighten the room in which you sleep and set the alarm for a half hour earlier than you ordinarily arise. Start keeping track of your dreams. When your subconscious knows that your conscious mind is paying attention, the symbols it uses to communicate become more accessible, comprehensible and true to your values. Once you are regularly recalling your dreams, you will begin to interpret what they mean and see the path they suggest. SYMBOLS OF HOPE KISSING: Kissing in your dream is one of the greatest indicators that your relationship is on the right path. Perhaps you are over-dramatizing things or looking at the glass as being half empty. No matter whom you are kissing, the intimate union of two people in your dream indicates that the union in your conscious life is bound to improve. GATHERINGS: Scenes of large parties and gatherings with many people are great indicators of relationship health. These tableaus are a signal from your subconscious that your many moods and different approaches to reality can all unite in favor of getting together with the right person. SYMBOLS OF DECEPTION DOGS: The dog might be man's best friend but your subconscious sees the canine impulse to have it all as a way to let you know that your relationship is on the rocks. Dogs have many positive traits but they embody the paradox of loyalty and selfishness coexisting together. The form of a dog is something your inner mind uses to illustrate a relationship where deception is becoming common. If a close family dog appears in your dream, your subconscious mind uses that to illustrate the foundation of your love for adventure. If a strange dog shows up, it is time to get real about the flirtations you are engaging in with co-workers and Internet friends. FACELESS FRIENDS: Seeing the back of a friend or acquaintance without seeing their face is a theme in many dreams. This is your subconscious illustrating that you think you know what is going on, but you cannot see the whole picture. If you try to look at this person in the dream, your subconscious confronts you with what you actually know just below the surface. You have been living in denial. Has the relationship deception been your avoidance of finding out the simple truth? SYMBOLS OF WORKING THINGS OUT JOURNEYS: Many dreams see you move from scene to scene, never quite getting to a destination but most definitely on the way there. This is the subconscious getting things in order and sending you assurances that you and a partner are working things out. This is a classic dream of moving toward the goal of ultimate happiness and enjoying the ride along the way as much as possible. EATING, DRINKING: Dreams that feature you ingesting food and drink are signs from your subconscious that you are nourishing yourself in your present situation. Serving meals and beverages to others is your subconscious illustrating an acceptance of the good side of things in your life. It is an optimistic dream. SYMBOLS OF WALKING AWAY DESOLATION: A burned house, a bombed village, a foreboding prison... your subconscious can put you into some pretty dark places when it needs you to accept that your current relationship may be over before either of you actually leave. There are many ways to imagine working on a partnership and many dreams about repairing damage. But when your dreams take place in an utterly bleak landscape, there are too many repairs for one person to make and the other partner might already be packing his or her toolbox in order to move on. SYMBOLS OF RUNNING AWAY OUT OF CONTROL VEHICLES: A partnership that is doomed and on the path of destruction brings out intense warnings from the subconscious. A car that is about to crash into a wall, drive off an embankment or otherwise be totaled is a scary sign. Being in the car while this happens is even more direct. You may have a dream like this after a big fight. When you awake, resolve issues immediately or finalize things. Your subconscious doesn't have an infinite number of cars to wreck while waiting for you to leave your wreck of a relationship. HRAL YOU


Why Do Women Love Bad Boys? Woman completely infatuated with a tattooed 'bad boy' What is it about guys who are just a little apart from the mainstream that makes them so desirable? While a guy who plays by the rules often succeeds, the rules of love and attraction are frequently much different than those of climbing up the corporate ladder. Look at a couple where he has a hint of danger and you will see many reasons why she is with him. Some of these reasons are all about him, but most of the time they are really all about her. When a woman loves a bad boy, something more than his attitude drove her there. And usually it was already inside her. The Thrill Dating a man who stands apart from the norm is known to deliver a heightened level of excitement. Perhaps he slightly ignores you and makes you work harder for attention – the thrill of finally getting him alone and to yourself can be an overwhelming rush. Maybe he is a little confrontational with people, and perhaps gets into altercations. That can make you feel even more special when he is affectionate toward you. It all gets your adrenaline pumping and your heart racing. The badder he is, the more stimulating the intimacy becomes. A Cure for Boredom A girl who has a succession of boring dates will more easily follow a guy whose very presence in her life charges things up. If she is getting out of a long-term relationship that stuck to a simple pattern, she is an unwitting foil for the charms of a guy whose whims will take her out of the traditional routine for good. Filling the Emptiness If your life has become a repetitive series of cell phone conversations about trips to the mall, an interesting guy who stands apart from the crowd can fill the emptiness in a hurry. The downside is that your world can suddenly look mighty small when you are in the arms of a man who doesn't operate by society's chosen standards. When everything you represent fails to impress him, all of your values could disintegrate. For such a reassessment of one's existence to occur in a short period of time with one guy, indicates that you are not living your own life's potential. Your bad boy is able to enter and rock your world because there is a space inside you that is open to anything. Reflected Glory Does his unconventional appearance cause people to stare at you two? Does his nonconformity have the potency of an aura? All of this attention is bouncing back onto the people closest to him. The taste of this reflected glory can be like a powerful drink or drug. You may quickly get addicted to the limelight he provides. When you walk into a room and the people react to his presence, it may become impossible for you to wander more than a few feet away from him. What's Your Experience? Keen Polls by PollDaddy What's your experience with bad boys? I admit it - I'm completely infatuated with them!I couldn't say that I'm always drawn to them, but I have dated themOnly in my youth - I've outgrown themThey never appealed to me VoteView Results Danger is an Aphrodisiac If your man has his own way of doing things it could bring about situations that are tense and dangerous. While we all have a built-in fear response, being around this element can make you slightly used to extreme situations. The danger of everyday life can become a turn-on. While someone putting you in harm's way should be something from which you need to be protected, you could grow accustomed to the danger a bad boy creates and embraces. The excitement of it all could make you feel more alive, but you might be growing blind to the actual danger you are facing more regularly. Your bad boy could be your lover, but he is not necessarily your protector. Rebelling Against Family or Upbringing Dating a bad boy is announcing that you make your own choices in life. The need to make such a defiant statement may be based in having a strict upbringing. A need to rebel could be manifested in your relationship with a bad boy. When you embrace a taboo relationship, you are telling the world that everything up until this point in your life is worth sacrificing in order to be your own woman. In this regard, your bad boy may really be just a prop. As bad as he is, he might have a heart of gold and your using him as an assertion of your independence could carry consequences far beyond what you imagine your conservative family and friends have waiting in store for you. Fear of Real Intimacy Your need for a man who lives by his own rules might be a way for you to maintain an avoidance of really confronting your emotions on an intimate level. If your bad boy is a drug user or heavy boozer, his stunted emotional development may ensure that he never delves deep into your psyche. And if he were to clean up his act, it would be grounds for you to look elsewhere, again running from a true emotional bond. Maybe your bad boy has a criminal side and is in and out of jail. You can assure yourself of never risking intimacy when your bad boy is locked up away from you. Trying To Top Your Friends If you have friends who are marrying successful men, the bar might be raised quite high in your social circle. If you were dating a car mechanic and your best girlfriend is engaged to a doctor, you might look like a real loser in the eyes of a certain clique, no matter how deep your love for Mister Transmission Repair goes. But if you are suddenly dating a bad boy, the hierarchy is turned over. Now your girlfriends will be seen as marrying members of the drab establishment while you are living on the edge, high above them all. What fantastic revenge … unless of course you fall. Drama Addict All of the above scenarios carry a common thread no matter what mold your bad boy springs from: your love of drama is necessary for the bad boy to turn you on properly to maintain your wild affair. A love of drama in your life attracts you to bad boys in order for others to see you as larger than life, and to leave them all in their boredom while you have a more interesting existence than they could ever imagine.


Is It Love or Lust? A couple in a lusty embrace, while the woman looks doubtfully away If you seem to be constantly finding love that starts out great but then dies a tragic death, perhaps it wasn't love at all. Chances are that it was lust instead. Both are powerful emotions, and many people get the two confused. So what's the difference? Think of lust and love as fires. Lust is like a fire made with resin-rich pine. It burns hot, but it doesn't last long. Now, picture love as a fire made with seasoned oak. It burns a slow, steady flame and lasts for hours. It doesn't produce the same initial heat and flame as the pine fire, but when it comes to longevity, the oak wins every time. What Is Lust? Lust is no more than physical attraction. Scientists aren't exactly sure why someone is attracted to certain individuals, but some believe it has something to do with pheromones – chemicals that trigger a certain response and behavior. In animals, sex pheromones are used to indicate that a female is ready for breeding. Microscopic organisms, insects, and even mammals use pheromones to signal breeding availability. While admittedly better at sending a clear signal than a lot of dating scenarios, it doesn't sound very romantic, does it? To help understand what lust is, remember that humans are one of the very few species who engage in sex for pleasure instead of just for procreation. Men and women are attracted to certain individuals on a physical level, even when they have no desire to create a child. Lust can be a one-night stand or a tawdry affair spanning weeks or months. In fact, you can be sexually attracted to people you don't even particularly like; you don't have to have deep feelings for someone to receive physical pleasure from them. On the other hand, you might fall head-over-heels in lust with someone you really do like – at least for a short period. A powerful force, lust can fill you with a sense of overwhelming desire and practically consume you. It can play tricks on your mind and cloud your thinking and your judgment. Lust can make you believe, or make you want to believe, that you've found love, when, in fact, all you've found is physical desire. What Is Love? Real love is not physical – it runs deeper than that. True love is the bond created between two people based on respect, admiration, loyalty, support, and emotional fulfillment. It means caring more about the other person than you do about yourself. A couple in love usually share the same life goals and work together to achieve them. True love overcomes all obstacles and often includes self-sacrifice. Unlike lust, love doesn't diminish with the passage of time. Instead, it grows stronger and deeper. Finding True Love It goes without saying that while finding lusty sex is easy, finding love can be very difficult. Almost everyone longs to find his or her soulmate, the person they want to grow old with. But with all the millions of people in the world, how do you find that special one – the person who can fulfill your deepest longings? Unfortunately, there isn't a handbook or map to guide you in your quest for finding love, but help is available in the stars. Everyone is born with certain personality traits, according to the zodiac sign under which they were born. This is an important yet often overlooked aspect in finding love – true love. You might find that you're sexually attracted and even sexually compatible with numerous signs, but you won't be mentally and emotionally compatible with most of them. They might make for a fun and exciting fling, but they won't make good partners for a long-term relationship. It's all so confusing! Fortunately, a psychic trained in astrology can lead you safely through the confusion, help you distinguish between love and lust and help you find your soulmate. A gifted psychic can read your chart and the chart of your lover and tell you whether or not the relationship has a chance of evolving into real love. Not only can they tell you things about your partner that may take you years to discover, they can also tell you much about yourself that you didn't even realize! You might not be able to tell if what you're feeling is love or lust, but your psychic guide can look at the situation objectively and give you sound advice. If you don't already have a potential love match in mind, consulting a psychic can help with that, too. Your psychic can "weed out" the bad matches and help you concentrate on the good, saving you months or even years of valuable time you might waste finding lust instead of finding love. By consulting a psychic, you'll be taking the first step in judging potential partners with your head and your heart instead of with your sexual desires. Why go it alone when consulting a psychic by phone is so easy and painless? Your psychic most likely has years of experience in matters of the heart, and you'll find them incredibly easy to talk to. More like talking to an old friend and confidant than a stranger, consulting a psychic is easy, enjoyable, and very enlightening. And when compared to the value you receive, the cost is a pittance. Besides, how can you place a price on finding love and long-lasting happiness and fulfillment?


4 Steps to Summon the Love You Deserve summon love in 4 steps You are perfect, whole and complete even in your countless imperfections. Once you know it, celebrate it and have calibrated your life to support your goals, anything is possible. Now you're truly ready for love. So how will you let the world know? A tweet, a billboard, or perhaps a TV commercial? Rather than mailing a million engraved invitations, here are some tips to establish the ground rules as you begin your next journey. Now is the time to shout: "I'm ready for love!" And all you really need to do is radiate love. First, realize that you have identified your best qualities and maximized their powers. There is now more of you and your wonderful self than ever before. Acknowledge your success and ask a friend to acknowledge it with you, perhaps over a glass of something celebratory. Long held resentments have been aired. Past defeats and disappointments have been re-sized and properly proportioned in the context of a long life. Your worst insecurities have been examined and their histories illuminated. You have made peace with your enemies and forgiven the tormentors. You're strong and clear-headed. You have stepped up to your fears and studied them squarely and objectively. The formerly dirty laundry is clean, folded and put in its place. You have transformed your physical self. The image reflected in the mirror is a happy one. This is who you are and you are wonderful. You can now feel the beauty of your body. A deep breath is an experience of fabulous sensations. As your relationship with your body develops, you become closer to nature. Your spiritual self has also been awakened. Your religious beliefs have been identified, discarded and chosen. Every day, you are aware of the beauty of life. Your time on this earth is a celebration. You can now stand on the front lines and applaud every dawn. How do you let the universe know that you are ready for love? Just glow. Your face and body posture is your billboard to the world. The beauty of your attitude is an invitation to a kindred soul. Your good works are offered as supporting evidence. Now is the time to step back, as you leap forward. To prepare for the journey to partnership and let the world know you're ready, you must pack your bag with the following sensibilities. Step One: Practice Patience and Understanding You are ready. But sometimes the rest of the world is not. You accept this with patience and understanding. You may be ready to say hello to your soulmate but he may need to finish his degree first, move out of his parents' home or secure a job before he can smile back. Patience allows you to look deeper. Our society places a great importance on first impressions, but you know how unreliable first impressions really are. Patience will let you inquire and discover another person's true characteristics. Patience allows you to listen. To glow, or to radiate the goodness that is in you, requires that you take a step back. It demands that you let go of certain desires and accept what life presents to you. Does it really matter what hair color your soulmate has? Does he have to be a snowboarder? Is it mandatory that he be rich? Let that go. This is not to say that you must abandon your goals. On some issues, you will want to act aggressively. In the matters of love, it is best to be patient and understanding. You cannot rush time. Every season has many days. Step Two: Be Gracious To glow requires a sense of self, a readiness to action and a predisposition of grace. You aspire to beauty. You choose goodwill. You prefer the clarity of light and understanding to the darkness of judgment and prejudice. Your actions reflect these beliefs. As you wait and observe patiently, be gracious with all who you encounter. This is the high road. Always walk with grace. Choose graciousness. People will notice your Glow. Step Three: Be Confident You don't need to shout. Confidence is a very quiet emotion. Confidence is not a hope, but a belief. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Confidence is silent. When confidence becomes too loud, we are introduced to a braggart. Confidence can be seen. It is easy to identify. To be confident is to Glow. Step back, relax and radiate. Step Four: Just Be You All of your hard work is over. Now, relax. Just be who you are in this moment and . There is nothing left to do. No worries to make. No anxieties to distress. Just be. Like the brightest star or the most powerful lighthouse, your grace, confidence and compassion is a beacon. To glow is to tell the world that you are ready for love. Glow.


3 Relationship Pitfalls You Can Prevent relationship pitfalls On the rocky road of Love, some of the deep potholes you encounter can cause a blowout. Careful driving with both eyes on the road will help you avoid the innumerable hazards that can wreck your precious bond. Relationships need attention and care, much like a car needs gas, a tune-up and an oil change every 3,000 miles. On your journey of love, prevent the three most treacherous and common relationship pitfalls. Money, insecurity and fear of change are three demons that can spell doom for a relationship. We will examine each hot spot and create a set of affirmations that will keep your relationship humming. Pitfall One: Money Money is not the greatest hazard to your relationship that everyone believes it to be. Money just makes the easiest argument, guaranteed to put everyone at odds. Money casts a weird spell in very unpredictable ways. The people who have much money tend to be very worried about losing it. To those with little, money is a constant concern, pain and need. Money drives some people mad. It urges others to steal and kill. Some don't have a care or worry about it. But to many, money becomes a sensitive hot button issue. Money is a scapegoat, an excuse catch-all for many other issues and problems. Your soulmate may scream, "How much did you spend on those damn curtains?!," but what he would rather honestly admit is, "Honey, I feel like you've been pushing me away and I am lonely." Money is always the easiest excuse. Everyone uses it. Someone is either spending too much or too little. Money is the easiest way to start an argument. When your boss yells at you for someone else's mistake, you can work the hurt feelings out in the gym or you can go home and pick a fight with your mate. "Do you really need that Porsche?" If you are angry that he has left the sink full of dirty dishes, push some buttons and remind him that he is not bringing home enough bacon. Money causes mayhem. It is the easiest way to insult and anger the one you love. Our society places a great deal of importance and imagined power on money. Your wealth is your stature. In a relationship, money can easily corrupt your pure love. If we strip it naked, money is merely a unit of measure, an accounting tool. Money is a means of trade and exchange. Money holds no value in the strength of your relationship. Money can never be a symbol of your romantic achievements. Your partnership is the focus of your greatest success. The health, direction and progress of your partnership are where your greatest riches lie. When the fires of a money argument start to smolder, step aside and ask, "What is the underlying problem here? What are we really arguing about?" Arguments over money rarely have anything to do with finances. Exhaust all your possibilities. What started your disagreement? Look for feelings of anger, resentment or failures with the zeal of a crime scene investigator. Who knows? At the end of the day, you may discover that nothing is amiss and the electric bill really is overdue. Pitfall Two: Insecurity What is the difference between a relationship and a partnership? A relationship implies love and romance. A partnership sounds more like a business deal, with roles and responsibilities carefully defined. You are seeking a healthy love with elements of both. A relationship is made up of You, Me and Us. Often times, love and emotion get tangled in mixed feelings and painful insecurities. In the workplace, none of that is tolerated. As a partner in love, you must balance yourself with heart and with your mind. Living closely and intimately is a wonderful thing. But it must be managed. Insecurity can arise when your mate participates in activities and interests without you. However, partners must have their own identity respected and acknowledged. Together, you share mutual interests. Separately, you pursue your own. You and your mate are two independent individuals who have partnered to pursue a common goal. "Happily ever after" needs definition. Ask, "Together, what does a happy life mean to you, me and us?" Create concrete goals. Love will never be far away. Pitfall Three: Change In Life, you seek stability, looking for the things that you can trust, count on and believe in. You expect the same from a relationship. As human beings, we naturally seek an order to our ever-changing world. Stability is elusive to embrace. Stability rarely exists. By accepting the reality of our world and the need to embrace change, we create a greater worldview of Life. It allows us to discern the difference between the things we can worry about and those that we should not bother about. What can you change? And what are the things over which you have no control? The earth that stands so firmly beneath your feet is an illusion. Everything changes. Terra Firma appears stable, but in reality, the earth's crust is very, very thin. There is little that protects us from the molten lava core of our planet Earth. An earthquake is a terribly frightening and beautifully awe-inspiring event. A quake is a reminder of how fragile our existence is. Nature is always blooming and decaying. Accept Change. It's happening whether you like it or not. An appreciation of Change will become the life force and strength of your Love. True Love is never easy. Like all good things in life, your relationship needs attention and maintenance. Check the oil. Wash the car. Keep the air in your tires. Hit the gas and let your love fly.


What is True Beauty? A smiling, confident woman There are a thousand definitions of beauty. And there are many degrees of each. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is sadness in beauty. Beauty can be ugly. It is a concept that has haunted poets, artists and academics for centuries. Males are visual creatures. In their minds' eye, like the posters teenage boys hang on their bedroom walls, men have an inflated idea of beauty. But to see how he really finds beauty in his surroundings, look at the girl with whom he spends time and feels most comfortable. She is often the opposite of the bedroom poster, maybe a friends, sister, aunt or cousin. She is the one he enjoys being with most. To be able to laugh with someone, we must drop our guards. Beauty is to be free and to act naturally. Oddly, getting there can be difficult. Today, messages and information are aimed at us in very new ways. It is happening faster than humans can adapt and evolve. Life is demanding more than we can give. In turn, you rely on text messages rather than physical conversation. The heart is missing in our lives and you must bring it back. We judge the book by its cover. It's usually untrue and unwise, but we place a great weight of importance on the first impression. In truth, a first impression offers fast, mostly visual cues, to make an assumption of another. Physical appearance is the first thing we see and it becomes our Achilles heel. The first impression is always the most expensive. It is expensive because of what we lose. The priority one sets on appearances in the physical realm is to deny oneself the quality and beauty of the spirit. If you choose to focus on the beauty within, you will receive the value of true communication with another. To ignore the essence of another is to deny your own humanity. Beauty has always been costly. By the time you have been plucked, pinched and enhanced, you can easily spend a fortune on the latest product or the most popular nip and tuck. The pursuit of beauty can also deny nature. In the fevered race to erase a wrinkle, we try to stop time and the slow and inevitable progress of nature. It is a fight no human can win. Beauty can also be a sport or a goal. Can you be more beautiful than you already are? No. Sure, every car needs a fresh coat of paint and a few new pin stripes but the real, true beauty comes from within your chassis. There is boldness in choice and people can easily recognize it in you. To choose beauty, determines that you have pondered the question, objectified the issues and made a choice. You have asked, "What will I project today? What will I put out into the world?" Then you choose and follow it through. Embracing victimhood is a way to lick your past wounds but it never yields any positive future-oriented gains. You lead by example. Choose beauty. Look at a flower as you would look upon a work of art. Appreciate it. Enjoy it. Relax and just let it all in. Then look at yourself the same way. You are a perfect and unique creation of nature, just like a flower. This may be hard to do and you must persist through all of the negativity and voices in your head. Remember those voices do not speak truth. They are merely the echoes of insecurity and comic relief. Appreciation for beauty isn't forced. Beauty cannot be beaten into you. Beauty must be invited and it must flow. If you want to exhibit your true nature, all you can do is let go. It is hard to let go. These days, with Life howling around us like a hurricane, we instinctively try to hang on for dear life. To be beautiful, to live in the flow, is a monumentally important task that requires only openness, desire and a few simple actions. Silence is the key that unlocks the mystery. A quiet meditation. Say a prayer. Sit down and have a little chat with yourself. Open this door and you will be answered with your own beauty. Do something that makes you happy. Let go and take the time for yourself. Something simple. Call a friend. Go to a movie. Get a massage. You do not need to spend a hundred dollars. Shop, but don't buy anything, at a flower shop. Bake a cake. Take a hike. Do something that is purposed for you. When this happens, your beauty will begin to show. Others will recognize it and be drawn to it. You have allowed your beauty to flow.


Embracing Uncertainty in Life and Love embracing uncertainty The only thing that's certain is uncertainty. Life is change and growth and evolution, which can be exhilarating but change can also feel taxing and painful. Change creates new tensions and uncertainties in our lives. There are so many events over which we have no control. Can you let go of control? In doing so, you are able to step back and appreciate the wonder of our world and learn to embrace uncertainty, a fearsome, yet beautiful certainty of life. To embrace uncertainty is one of the highest levels of spiritual growth. It demands a high level of spiritual fitness. We have all had moments of great clarity, when the world revolves and spins in perfect harmony with our own rhythm, like a precisely calibrated grandfather clock. You seek to find the highest level of your spiritual development. This is your enlightenment. As you grow and learn, new ascendancies offer greater rewards. One of these gifts and skills is an ability to embrace Uncertainty. All you can do is exhale. Breathe deeply. Relentlessly ride on through the cycles of your life. To embrace uncertainty in Love and Life, you need an understanding of the world and your place in it. Look for the interconnectivity in all things. You are a part of the network. You will come to appreciate the joy of change, like a cheese connoisseur favors a washed rind. We are not programmed to embrace uncertainty and fear. It goes against our nature. It triggers our fight or flight instincts. Carefully examine the situation. Put a light into the dark places. Dig deep and objectively and you will begin to understand what you fear. In the end, it is all quite simple. You will find your worries are baseless or understandable. There are many layers of confusion to sort through when we examine what we are afraid of. All it takes is time and clarity. This level of objectivity is required to embrace the uncertainties of Love. In Love, you bond for the comfort and security of a safe place. Safety is generally incompatible with change and this is where the danger lies. You must step back and always keep an eye on your relationship from a distance. Perspective is oxygen to Love. Sometimes you get so confused and enmeshed in the details, it is easy to lose sight of the big picture of the grand design. This perspective will remind you that Love is like a river - it keeps rolling along. The stability of your Love is as secure as a wide raft on a wild river ride. Your Love will always be tossed about, cresting waves and plunging down the trough. But you stay together. Your ideal relationship is akin to a long-lasting, deeply felt friendship. You have a partner with whom you will navigate Life. The unit that you create, by its nature, is always growing and evolving. Uncertainty in Love is like fertilizer for a flower. It keeps things fresh and exciting. Love does not have to be uncertain or suspicious. Together, you can make an adventure of the rocks and potholes in the road of your journey. You must treat all of the hardships that Life tosses in your way as grand entertainment. You must have faith in the evolution of your Love, the belief that your Love will triumph through all challenges, evolutions and uncertainties. This is how you embrace uncertainty. This is how you embrace Life. Find comfort in the process of the journey. Where does uncertainty originate? Why do we doubt? If your sweet pure soul were never influenced, you would never know uncertainty. Other people have influenced your Life. Circumstances, tragic and transcendent, have forged your character. You have been taught to worry about many things. Use this knowledge to maintain your perspective. You can disown the worry. On a physical level, laughter is a fast and easy way to embrace uncertainty. Laughter can relax you. It can cut a bully of a problem down to size. You don't need a joke to laugh. You can fake it. Your body does not have a sense of humor, but it does know the physical sensations of laughter. When you laugh, you breathe deeply, using all of your lungs. Your body moves and relaxes. Laugh and you will embrace uncertainty. To laugh is to breathe. Embracing uncertainty is one of the most difficult things you can ever do. The action resides on the highest levels of spiritual growth. This is the goal for the enlightened: To embrace uncertainty.


Are You on the Right Career Path? the right career path As children, we hear it all the time - "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Yet the answer to that seemingly simple question is not always clear, even when we reach adulthood. Many factors influence our professional paths, including our natural strengths and talents, our families' wishes, our own hopes and dreams for the future, and unexpected opportunities that arise along the way - or not. It can be difficult to distinguish outer pressure to succeed from inner ambition. Even if you are firmly established in your career, you still might wonder if you're on the right path or if there is something more you could be doing with your life. After all, an occupation and a career are not necessarily one and the same, and working hard toward a long-held professional goal doesn't always bring the fulfillment you might expect. Have you found your calling? The career path that's right for you? Or are you still searching for work that will satisfy your inner need to feel you're doing something important with your life? Read on to gain insight and predict whether you have found your true life's calling. If you haven't yet found the career that's right for you, there will be clear signs that your current job is out of sync with your true personality, skills or interests. These signs might include one or more of the following: You have never stuck with a job for longer than a couple of years (or months). In college, you waited until the last minute to declare your major, and even then you kept second-guessing yourself. You've been reprimanded at work for slacking off - stretching lunch hours into full afternoons, for example, or spending on-the-clock time emailing friends instead of colleagues. You have dutifully completed an academic or training program geared toward a certain profession in order to live up to familial expectations. Your friends and family often comment, "I always said you should have been a lawyer," or, "Your life is so colorful, you should write a book!" - and some part of you agrees with them. You have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning to get to work on time. When interrupted during the workday, you either welcome the chance to procrastinate or resent the intrusion since it's so difficult to get back on track. When you were young, you knew just what you wanted to be when you grew up, but you gave up your dream for something more practical. When people ask what you do for a living, you answer with reluctance or plenty of qualifications ("Well, this is my current job, but someday I hope to do..."). When you think ahead ten years, the idea of still working in your current job or field feels distinctly unsettling. You think of your work as something you do, not something you are. If you have, in fact, found your true calling, the signs are clear - even if you're the only one who believes in the path you've chosen. These signs might include one or more of the following: You've stuck with the same company or occupation through thick and thin, despite other opportunities that have arisen along the way; you just can't imagine leaving your current work behind. You've known what you wanted to do with your life since you were very young - exactly what you're doing now. Your current work is different from what you used to imagine yourself doing, but somehow, it feels right. You enjoy your job enough that you would keep it even if you had to take a pay cut. You don't consider your work to be "work" - it's that fun. Even when you have a tough day on the job, you feel fulfilled, or at least confident that you did your best. You have a deep conviction that your work matters; you are contributing something important to the world or to your community. When people ask what you do for a living, you're proud to tell them. You identify with your work, thinking of it not just as something you do, but who you are. When you think ahead ten years, you imagine yourself working in the same job or field you're in now, and the idea brings a deep sense of satisfaction. You love your job - plain and simple. If the information above has you wondering whether to stick with your current occupation or find something that is a closer match for your skills or personality, that's a sign in itself that you haven't yet found your true vocation. The next step in predicting which career is right for you is to consider your natural strengths and interests. Do you gravitate toward leadership roles, or do you do your best work when following someone else's direction? What about teamwork - do you enjoy collaboration or do you need autonomy? Do you think of yourself as a creative type, a problem-solver, a people person? Once you have identified your gifts and your professional "style," you can consider what type of work hours and environment you prefer. Relaxed, competitive, fast-paced, self-determined? The answers to these questions will steer you in the right direction, toward your professional destiny. It can be difficult to follow your true path when doing so might mean accepting a more limited income for your family or facing the disapproval of someone whose opinion you value. But when it comes to your life's work, taking a risk - financial or otherwise - is sometimes the smartest thing you can do. Only you can predict whether that time is now.


All About Body Language all about body language How did he know it was time to kiss you when you never said a word? You could have been sending him psychic messages. He might reject any notion that he is psychic, but most people hone their abilities to pick up psychic cues without even realizing it. Your body language sends the most signals. If you are able to consciously control the signals your body reveals, you can withhold certain information about your desires. When you are ready to be approached, you can let the world know without ever saying a word. Observe his ability to pick up your signals. If he is quick to act and makes a move, you are with a man who can get ahead in the world, but beware of his ability to seduce lovers all over town. Be even more wary of an interloping male who intercepts on the signals you intended for someone else and tries to insert himself in the picture. Here are the most common body language signals to look out for from someone who is thinking about approaching you on a deeper level. Understand that you also send these signals and that a sharp sixth sense moves in when invited. THE MIMIC When you are out dining with a man you desire, observe that you almost involuntarily pick up your glass and drink in rhythm with him. If he picks up a napkin to wipe his mouth you might do the same regardless of whether or not there is anything on your lip. This is a psychic signal that is hard to stop because as you fall under the spell of desire, you want to reveal to this person that you follow his lead. The reverse is true as well. You might notice people mimicking your movements in many situations. Suppose your boss at work sits across from you at a company function and follows your casual movements a few times during a meal. No matter how professional he may be acting, there is a part of him that wants to throw away his whole career for a night of passion with you in his arms. When you want him to know that dinner can lead to you as his dessert, use the mimic can feed his confidence to make a move. When you want to remain cordial or professional, try to consciously avoid altering your behavior based on his little cues. You can pick up his intentions by observing whether he too follows the subtlest moves you make in an involuntary psychic broadcast of his deepest desires. THE FOOT POINT When a man is interested in you and cannot get away from a conversation, he will often involuntarily point his foot in your direction. He doesn't realize that he is sending this signal to you. And he would probably deny it if he were confronted by the woman to whom he was looking at and talking to. You might be pointing your foot right back at him as you stare at the painting on the wall and you will rarely notice yourself doing this. However, did you notice you lingered while looking at that painting and kept your foot pointing in his direction - and the artwork really wasn't that interesting? Wait around for the man whose foot is pointing at you. Walk away from the man who points his foot at another woman while he nods politely at a story you are telling. TOUCHING The involuntary rubbing of a hand across a shoulder might appear innocent, even flippant, but it is not. It is a psychic signal of desire that is strong and easy for the person being touched to read. It might, however, be interpreted as more desperate than passionate. Some people have different levels of socialization that inhibit their psychic understanding of intentions. Understand the nature of what someone is seeking when there is a casual but unmistakable brush-up between you. SASHAYING A slower, more sultry walk sends multiple psychic messages. It announces that something is worthy of inspection and a desire to be examined as well as a certain confidence in what will be discovered. While this might be a way to meet a lot of creeps, it does occasionally deliver a great catch who is tuned into the messages you send. You might sashay right past the man of your dreams only to find out that he knows you better than you know yourself. REVEALING UNDERARMS The message of deep submission is the revelation of one or both of your underarms in the presence of the man you want. If he picks up on this psychic signal you will be his. If a man is casually revealing his armpits to you he feels comfortable around you and wants you to pull closer. One reminder: the person doing the revealing is not in control. This is the ultimate sign of surrender to passion, desire and the imagination of what might soon be