Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I am sending this only to my smart friends. I could not figure it out. My first thought was wrong and I had to look at the answer. See if you can figure out what these seven words all have in common?

1. Banana
2. Dresser
3. Grammar
4. Potato
5. Revive
6. Uneven
7. Assess

Are you peeking or have you already given up? Give it another try.... Look at each word carefully. You'll kick yourself when you discover the answer. This is so cool.....

I bet you didnt get this but
No, it is not that they all have at least
2 double letters.... Let me know if you found the answer - I didn't!

Answer is below!

In all of the words listed, if you take the first letter, place it at the end of the word, and then spell the word backwards, it will be the same word. Did you figure it out? No? Then send this to more people and stump them as well. Then, you'll feel better too.


1. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return,
But what is more painful is to love someone and
Never find the courage to let that person know how
You feel.
2. A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who
Means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it
Was never meant to be and you just have to let go.
3. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a
Porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk
Away feeling like it was the best conversation you've
Ever had.
4. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we
Lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what
We've been missing until it arrives.
5. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an
Hour to like someone, and a day to love someone-
But it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
6. Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for
Wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who
Makes you smile because it takes only a smile to
Make a dark day seem bright.
7. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want
To go; be what you want to be, because you have
Only one life and one chance to do all the things you
Want to do.
8. Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel
That it hurts you, it probably hurts the person too.
9. A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may
Wreck a life; a timely word may level stress; a loving
Word may heal and bless.
10. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the
Best of everything they just make the most of
Everything that comes along their way.
11. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends
With a tear.
12. When you were born, you were crying and
Everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so
That when you die, you're the one smiling and
Everyone around you is crying.
Always remember: Life is full of doorways.
Take the opportunities and open them! Don't let life slip by you!





Did you know that ninety percent of the world's ice covers Antarctica?
This ice also represents most of the fresh water in the world.
Yet Antarctica is the driest place on the planet, with an
absolute humidity lower than the Gobi desert.

If you're into biology, you may know this about the Mayfly -- after
hatching, it takes up to three years to grow up, and then spends
only one day as an adult. During that day it mates, lays eggs and
expires. That last day must be absolutely spectacular.

Next time you dust your house, you may be interested to know that
most of the dust particles you are removing are actually tiny bits
of dead skin. Don't even ask how much dead skin has made its way
into your favorite pillow.

Did you know that the Mona Lisa has no eyebrows?

Or that that 80% of your brain is water? Well, mine anyway.

You've heard the expression "having a lark." Those who are
interested in language might want to know that group of larks is
called an exaltation. A group of owls is called a parliament. A
group of ravens is called a murder. (Edgar Allen Poe would have
understood that one.) A group of rhinos is called a crash, which
also seems to make some sense. But here's the best of all: a group
of Unicorns is called a blessing.

As interesting as all of these facts are, I doubt any of them is
bound to significantly change your life. The stuff we need to know
in order to live happier, healthier and more meaningful lives does
not usually come from tidbits of knowledge. More often it comes from
people; and especially, people who mean something to us. Let me

For Ross Perot, the kind of knowledge that made the greatest
difference in his life was actually gleaned from his mother. The
American businessman and one-time presidential candidate made
billions of dollars from the technology industry. But his mother,
who raised him before the phrase "computer age" was ever coined,
taught him how to live. She helped shape him into the man he would
eventually become.

Perot remembers the days of America's Great Depression. "Hoboes"
regularly knocked on their door asking for a little food. It puzzled
young Ross that his house seemed to be singled out on their street.
One day he learned why. On the curb in front of their house someone
had etched a white mark, indicating to fellow travelers that this
house was an "easy mark." This fact disturbed the boy and he asked
his mother if she wanted him to erase the signal. She told him to
leave it there. It was a lesson in compassion he never forgot.

Some of the most essential life lessons and wisdom young Ross
acquired did not come from a book or a classroom. They were lessons
that came from those people closest to him. Many concerned
themselves with the heart and spirit. They taught him about the
world and the best way to live in it.

Our greatest teachers are usually those who did not volunteer for
the job. They are parents and friends, spouses and children. Much
great wisdom is learned best from the example of those closest to

And the remarkable fact is this: you are a great teacher. You teach
powerful lessons every day of your life. You teach them simply by
the way you live; by the way you respond to the world; and, by the
little decisions you make. I wonder -- who's watching and learning?


1:-If the Road is Beautiful then, Worry About the Destination, But if the Destination is Beautiful, Then Don't Worry About The Road!
2:- We Always Feel that GOD Never comes on Time When We Call Him...But the Truth is ~ "He is Always on Time" But "We are Always in Hurry!
3:- Trust the One Who can See, These Three Thing in You ~Sorrow Behind Your SMILE, Love Behind Your ANGER & Reason Behind Your SILENCE!

4:- Beautiful things Are not Always Good ~ But Good things are Always Beautiful!
5:- Never Miss the First Opportunity, Because the Second Opportunity Will be Much More Difficult than First!
6:- Dreams Aren't those That You Have when You are Asleep, Dreams are Those that Don't Let You Sleep till They are Fulfilled!
7:- Its Purity of Heart that Matters, Not the External Appearance. Because Helping Hands are Always,Better than Praying Lips…!
8:- No one could actually say that you deserve better. Because the best thing that you deserve, will always be your choice.
9:- When your Time is Good, Your Mistakes are taken As a Joke! But When Your Time is Bad, Even your Jokes are Noticed as Mistakes!
10:- We Judge Ourselves By what We Feel we're Capable of Doing, While Others Judge us By what We have Already Done!
11:- If you damage the character of another, you damage your own. ~Yoruba!
12:- LAUGH like You have Never Cried, PLAY like You have Never Lost, LOVE like You have Never Hurt And LIVE like There is No Tomorrow!
13:- Two Things that Define SUCCESS In LIFE: - The Way You Manage when You Have Nothing & Way You Behave when You Have Everything!
14:- Don't concentrate on what Someone Else can Do that you Cannot Concentrate on What You can Do That Others Cannot.
15:- Never Be too Proud of who You are & What Position you Hold Because After a Game of Chess The King & The Puns are tossed Into The Same Box!


Father Sense

We know that there is something which distinguishes a dead body from a living body. That we can understand. Suppose your father dies. You will lament, "Oh, my father is no more! He has gone away." But where has he gone? Your father is lying on the bed. Why do you say that your father has gone away? "No, he is dead and gone." This shows you understand that the body lying on the bed is not your real father.

So, actually, you have no eyes to see your real father. During the lifetime of your father you did not know who he was. Therefore, when the actual father goes away, you cry, "My father is gone!" The actual father is the spiritual soul within the body. And when the soul goes away from the body, that is known as death.

At the present moment everyone is acting according to the bodily conception of life. But we are not the body. So we are acting for something that we are not. Therefore, we are in maya, or illusion. Our whole existence is a phantasmagoria. And because we are working for something that we are not, we are confused and unhappy. We work day and night for the body, and still we are not happy. We are trying to satisfy the senses (body means "senses"), repeating the same activities again and again, but we are finding no happiness. We cannot find happiness by trying to satisfy the material body, because we are not the material body. We are spiritual souls. So if we are serious, if we actually want to be happy, we must take to the cultivation of spiritual understanding, an understanding of GOD consciousness


A trend occurred in the early 20th century when many Americans moved away from rural areas and into urban centers. For the first time ever, their children ceased to become economic assets capable of contributing to the family’s prosperity and started to become a financial burden.

And yet, in spite of this daunting reality, Americans continued to produce offspring at nearly historic rates for the next 50 to 75 years. What was their motivation? Surely it was more than just a desire to accumulate mountains of fingerpaint art.

We chatted with dozens of parents and poured through mountains of medical research to find the real reasons why Americans continue to reproduce. Come along as we explore the top 10 hidden benefits of having children.

1. Children lower your blood pressure

A recent study conducted at Brigham Young University found that parenthood may actually help lower your blood pressure. Researchers at the school hooked up 200 married men and women to blood pressure monitors for 24 hours and found that couples with children had significantly lower blood-pressure readings than those without offspring.

"While caring for children may include daily hassles, deriving a sense of meaning and purpose from life's stress has been shown to be associated with better health outcomes," says Julianne Holt-Lunstad, the lead researcher. "This doesn't mean the more kids you have, the better your blood pressure. The findings are simply tied to parenthood, no matter the number of children or employment status."

2. Children entitle you to major tax savings

It used to be the only way you could make money off of your children was by sending them into the coal mines. But now, thanks to the IRS, your children allow you to qualify for some very valuable tax savings — a notable hidden benefit of having children. According to one recently published study, the average family can save $3,500 per year simply by claiming child tax credits, education credits, and child- and dependent-care credits.

“These tax credits shouldn’t spur you to have a child,” says U.S. tax attorney Roni Deutch, “but since the projected cost of raising a child to the age of 18 is just shy of $200,000, parents need all the help they can get.”

3. Children get you better parking

Shopping with children is seldom easy, but there is one enormous perk to taking your rug rat to the mall: better parking. Many shopping centers, grocery stores and factory outlets now have parking spaces reserved especially for families and pregnant women. Not only are these spots conveniently located, but they’re also usually vacant. As an added bonus, you can also drive in the HOV lane on your way to the store since even the smallest newborn legally counts as a full-fledged passenger.

4. Children keep you sane

Contrary to popular belief, children don’t always drive their parents crazy. In fact, researchers at Taiwan’s Mental Health Foundation claim they may even keep their parents sane well beyond their years. The organization recently interviewed 1,084 randomly selected senior citizens and found that seniors with no children scored 6.4 points lower on a mental health questionnaire than elderly subjects with children.

“The results shows that people who have children are happier and have greater satisfaction and emotional well-being than those without children,” says Tom Yang, the study's lead researcher.

5. Children renew your thirst for knowledge

Anyone who has children can attest that their child’s favorite word is “why.” Kids constantly want to know the answer to a variety of head-scratching questions like, “Why do a cat’s eyes shine in the dark?”, “Why does it smell so fresh after it rains?” and “Why do Mommy and Daddy always lock their bedroom door on Tuesday nights?” You may not have the answer to all of these queries (well, two-thirds of them anyhow), but they’re sure to get your wheels turning as you attempt to formulate a plausible-sounding response.

As your children get older, you’ll also get to brush up on your education by relearning your multiplication tables, the names of every state bird and the capital of Liechtenstein (it’s Vaduz, in case you were wondering).

6. Children make you sexier

Think puppies are the ultimate chick magnet? Think again. Any father will tell you there’s no better way of attracting attention from the fairer sex than by strolling through a park with an adorable baby. Heck, even an ugly baby will do the trick, since most women are responding more to the father’s sense of dedication and maturity than they are to the fruit of his loins. Who knew that a $200 stroller could elicit more oohs and aahs than a $200,000 sports car?

7. Children give you an alibi

Single men often complain that their friends with children never have time to hang out. And while there is some validity to that observation, they fail to realize many parents use their children as a convenient excuse to get out of unwanted social events. So, if your buddy tells you he can’t attend your Jersey Shore marathon because his son has Tibetan whooping cough, there’s a very good chance he didn’t want to go in the first place.

8. Children increase your self-esteem

Anyone who has children knows firsthand the satisfaction you get from being told you’re “the best daddy in the whole world.” Those kinds of positive pronouncements can have a profound effect on your self-esteem, allowing you to accomplish tasks you previously thought were impossible.

9. Children remind you to stop and smell the roses

When was the last time you gazed at the stars or lay on your back watching the passing clouds? Kids engage in these kinds of wholesome activities all the time, and in doing so, they invite you to join them as well. You’ll be amazed at how your cynicism and natural defenses will magically melt away after you begin seeing the world through a child’s eyes.

10. Children make you happier

Parents have long suspected that their offspring make them happier, and now there’s finally proof to support their claims. A study conducted by the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research found a direct correlation between children and happiness for parents over the age of 40.

Researchers surveyed 200,000 parents in 86 countries between 1981 and 2005 and found that from age 40 on, parents with one to three children were considerably more content than childless couples. After age 50, mothers and fathers were happier than childless couples, regardless of the size of their brood. The reasons for the findings aren’t entirely surprising, since most children become easier to care for as they grow older.

"Children may be a long-term investment in happiness," says Mikko Myrskyla, the author of the study. "Seeing the age trend of happiness independent of sex, income, partnership status, and even fertility rates shows that one has to explain it from the perspective of the stage of parents' life.”

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

you are my angel

You’re an Angel that nobody can see,
Still an Angel is what you are to me
An angel from heaven is what you are
In my sky you’re definably a heavenly star

You’re an angel with beauty & grace
You’re kind & sweet, you have an angel face
You have very graceful angel wings
Happiness and joy are just some things
that an angel can give

In my heart & mind is where you’re living
You have hair as soft as the white clouds
A guardian angel is what Ive gotten.
Your eyes are like sapphires that shine bright.
When everything is dark, you give me light.

You’re an angel that gives me a reason to live,
You’re an angel that teaches me to give.
You’re an angel that teaches me the right things to say.
You’re my angel & Ill always care.
You’re my angel & you know Ill always be there.


1st Self Improvement Activity:
Use your energy on important things If you want to succeed in life, you should not waste your energy on activities that do not bring any benefits.

Such useless activities include surfing the Internet without any purpose, watching TV, worrying and wasting money.

When you are involved in such activities, you have no or little energy left for activities that can create a better future. It is worth prioritizing and accomplishing important tasks first, and then if you still have enough energy, you may decide to do the unimportant.

2nd Self Improvement Activity:
Focus on one task at a time if you want to get perfect results, you should only concentrate on one activity. This way all your energy will go into it and you will accomplish it perfectly.

If you waste your energy on several things at the same time, you will get average results because you will divide your energy between the activities.

3rd Self Improvement Activity:
Control your thinking to avoid chaos in your mind resulting in chaos in the outside world; you should try to observe your thoughts. Once you start doing that, you will notice how many negative thoughts you get daily.

By observing negative thinking you will be able to emotionally disengage from it. As a result, negative thinking will affect you less and you will notice that your days are getting more peaceful and positive.

4th Self Improvement Activity:
Get organized when you live in an organized manner, you do not suffer from stress and your life is peaceful and balanced.

To start living this way, you should start planning your day in advance. This will eliminate any stress caused by being late to a meeting or forgetting to complete some task.
You should also live in tidiness because by keeping your home clean you also keep your mental state clear and peaceful. Such mental state will benefit you in many ways, including improved memory and less negativity.

5th Self Improvement Activity:
Live in the present although this self improvement activity may seem strange to you, it is a very important activity that many ignore. The majority of people do not live in the present. They either dwell on their past or daydream about the future. They seem to forget the most important time of all - the present.

You should enjoy every present moment because your current state of mind always manifests in the outside world, creating your future accordingly.

Therefore if your main mood is very positive, you will experience only happy days. However, if you dwell on negative thoughts, you are sure to encounter many obstacles and misfortunes in the present and days to come.

6th Self Improvement Activity:
Complete each task in a perfect manner whenever you are working on some project, try to accomplish it in the best way possible. Always ask yourself 'Is this project turned out as perfect as it could possibly be?' If the answer is no, try to correct or add something to it until there is nothing that you can improve.

This way you will make sure that each single task you accomplish is done in an excellent manner. By doing this you will create successful future because you cannot possibly fail if you only get perfect results.

Also, when you entirely focus on one task excluding everything else, you will notice that you start enjoying the task. If you concentrate on the task but still do not enjoy it that means that you probably see the task as a means to an end rather than the process.

You should start focusing on the process itself to find enjoyment in the task. Such enjoyment will fuel motivation and you will accomplish everything quicker and better.

If you enjoy your work, you will put only positive energy into it. As a result, your completed tasks will bring you success.

7th Self Improvement Activity:
Challenge yourself Nothing develops you more than challenges. Challenges force you to shift your comfort zone, experience new situations and make you grow. Without challenges life would be very boring and depressing.

Challenges are necessary for every human being who is seeking quality life. Only through trial and error you realize who you really are, which activities you like and what preferences you have.

You can easily measure the success of a person by the amount of challenges s/he had.

8th Self Improvement Activity:
Read personal development books there is nothing more important than searching information about self improvement. Without reading any self improvement books or articles you cannot improve yourself.

9th Self Improvement Activity:
Socialize only with positive people Positive people can inspire, empower and make you happy. It is so much worth to be at least once in a while with positive people rather than constantly spend time with negative friends or relatives.

If you spend your days with, for example, lazy people, you may notice that you are becoming lazy.

If all your friends' main qualities are negative, try to avoid all of them. This way you will not be affected in a negative way and after some time will start attracting positive people.

10th Self Improvement Activity:
Exercise Daily exercise develops determination, focus and patience. It improves your health and strengthens your body. It makes you more active, positive and invincible.

People who exercise every day are always perceived as strong-willed and disciplined.

These personal improvement activities are sure to put you on the track to success. I hope that you will apply the steps in this article and, as a result, will greatly improve the quality of your life.


Very Interesting naming of our Indian States........... Incredible India
Large state: maha rastra
Place of king: raja sthan
Queen field: rani khet
Mr. city: sri nager
Rhythm of eyes: nani taal
Face: surat
Unmarried gal: kanya kumri
God's state: hari dwar
Brick city: ita nagar
Saint hair: rishi kesh
Call end: kol kata
No zip: chen nai
Come on sun: arun aa chal
Cum in evning: aa saam
Go n come: go a
and finally do drama: kar natak

Price of LOVE

She soared so high and free,
all pure and lovely as could be.
She knew no worry, stress or pain.
No one could imprison her by force or chain.
But as it must be, a conqueror came.
So handsome and bold, and lit the flame,
between these free spirited souls.
Their love was beautiful and all aglow.

In time their passionate thirst was quenched
and the flame of love was flickering low ...
In the cold darkness of reality it began to show
Their love had taken their freedom and turned them to foes.
When they could stand it no longer,
they both returned to find their lost freedom
and search for their identity they felt they had lost.
But each day that passed their need for each other grew stronger.
Now they're no longer unencumbered and free...
this is the price of love, you see.
Whether together or apart
the one you love has imprisoned your heart.


You say that love is nonsense.... I tell you it is no such thing.
For weeks and months it is a steady physical pain, an ache about the heart,
never leaving one, by night or by day; a long strain on one's
nerves like toothache or rheumatism, not intolerable at any one instant,
but exhausting by its steady drain on the strength.

Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator,
but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make laugh.
Sympathy constitutes friendship; but in love there is a sort of antipathy,
or opposing passion. Each strives to be the other,
and both together make up one whole.
When love beckons to you follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions
May wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams
As the north wind lays waste the garden.
For even as love crowns you
so shall he crucify you.
Even as he is for your growth
So is he for your pruning.
The Prophet by Gibran Khalil Gibran
Love, with very young people, is a heartless business.
We drink at that age from thirst, or to get drunk;
it is only later in life that we occupy ourselves with the
individuality of our wine..
Love must not touch the marrow of the soul.
Our affections must be breakable chains that we
can cast them off or tighten them.
Today I begin to understand what love must be, if it exists...
When we are parted, we each feel the lack of the
other half of ourselves. We are incomplete like a book in
two volumes of which the first has been lost.
That is what I imagine love to be: incompleteness
in absence
No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity,
if you can't look back on having given love and attention to
your own family, what have you really accomplished?
This was love at first sight, love everlasting: a feeling unknown,
unhoped for, unexpected-- in so far as it could be a matter of
conscious awareness; it took entire possession of him,
and he understood, with joyous amazement,
that this was for life.
A man reserves his true and deepest love not for the species
of woman in whose company he finds himself electrified and enkindled,
but for that one in whose company he may feel tenderly drowsy.
We conceal it from ourselves in vain--we must always love something..
In those matters seemingly removed from love, the feeling is
secretly to be found, and man cannot possibly
live for a moment without it.
Love is something far more than desire for sexual intercourse;
it is the principal means of escape from the loneliness
which afflicts most men and women throughout
the greater part of their lives.
Love has features which pierce all hearts, he wears a bandage
which conceals the faults of those beloved. He has wings,
he comes quickly and flies away the same.
Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and
without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.
I was always alone in this world,
wanted to be loved,by someone.
I always had teary eyes,
wanted it to be wiped by someone.

Heart of Woman

They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.

They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up against injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without new shoes
so their children can have them.
They go to the doctor
with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear
about a birth or a new marriage.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They have sorrow at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they think
there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss
can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all sizes,
in all colors and shapes.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what makes the world spin!
Women do more than just give birth.
They bring joy and hope.
They give compassion and ideals.
They give moral support to their family and friends.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Don't go the way life takes you.
Take the life the way you go.
& remember you are born to live and
not living because you are born.

Women's health

From workouts to healthy diets, many of us make an effort to look after ourselves.
However, we could be compromising our health on a daily basis without even knowing it.
From carrying heavy handbags to wearing crippling heels, here are the top 10 female habits
you should try to break.

Wearing heels

More and more of us are opting to wear heels on a daily basis, and this could be
bad news for our health.
High heels affect our posture, put pressure on joints, and can lead to a range of conditions
including arthritis, hammer toes, back pain and tendon injuries – and that’s before you take into
account any heel-related accidents!
To minimize damage, limit your heels to 1.5 inches for daily wear, and wear insoles
to help reduce the pressure on joints.
Carrying a heavy handbag

With the rising number of gadgets and accessories the majority of women haul around,
many of us are carrying around several pounds of weight on our shoulders every day.
As a result, lots of us are also putting our long term health at risk.
While you may not feel the effects right now, lugging around a heavy handbag can lead to
serious back problems and neck pain as well as poor posture.
Don’t wait until the damage is done – do your health a favour and try
clearing out all non-essential items and switching to a smaller bag.
Sleeping in makeup

Most of us have succumbed to the temptation to sleep in our post-party makeup at some point.
However, leaving makeup on overnight – along with the dirt and oil that naturally
accumulates on skin throughout the day –is a quick route to clogged pores, congested skin and spots.
Sleeping with mascara and eye makeup on can also affect your health by causing eye irritation,
bloodshot eyes or even infection.
Matching men drink for drink

From networking drinks to first dates and social events, there are many instances when
women may feel compelled to keep up with the drinking habits of the opposite sex.
However, women not only tend to weigh less than men but they have less
body water to dilute the alcohol, which means they tend to get more drunk more quickly.
To minimize the risks of alcohol on your health, try to keep within the recommended
guidelines for alcohol consumption and alternate alcohol with soft drinks.

Wearing the wrong cloth size

It is thought that more than 70 per cent of women are wearing the wrong cloth size.
However, wearing a badly fitted bra can not only affect the look of your clothes,
but research suggests it can cause a range of health problems including back,
neck and breast pain, breathing difficulties, poor posture, skin irritation, circulation problems
and even irritable bowel syndrome.
Rather than guessing your size, make sure you get measured to ensure you are
getting the support you need.
Worrying and harboring regrets

Stress is damaging to both our physical and mental health, and women are twice as likely
as men to suffer from stress-related disorders, as well as having higher rates of depression and anxiety.
While it is thought there may be biological reasons for this, worrying about the future
and dwelling on regrets can also add to our problems, with research suggesting that
women are more than twice as likely as men to harbor regrets over lost loves
and broken relationships.
Obsessing over appearances

While both genders suffer from body insecurity, many women tend to overly obsess
over their idea of the “perfect” body.
Research findings published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology found that 16 per cent
of the normal or underweight women studied believed themselves to be overweight,
while a study commissioned by Dove found that 90 per of women wanted to change at least
one aspect of their appearance.
Body insecurity not only affects our mental health, but it can also lead to physical damage
caused by extreme diets, yo-yo dieting, eating disorders and cosmetic surgery.
Emotional eating

While comfort eating affects both genders, research has suggested that men are more likely
to reinforce positive emotions with food, while women comfort eat when they’re sad.
Women are also more likely to satisfy their cravings with sweet, high calorie foods.
Rather than letting your waistline suffer next time you’re feeling blue, try distracting yourself
from cravings by doing something you enjoy, or boost your endorphins and health
with an uplifting workout.

Not getting enough sleep

Not only can lack of sleep make us look and feel at our worst, but insufficient shut-eye
can also lead to increased accidents, calorie consumption and heart disease risk.
Unluckily for women, statistics suggest that sleep problems affect more women than men,
while a study by the University of Michigan found that women are more than twice as likely
to give up sleep to care for others. Unfortunately, sleep has been found to affect women’s
blood pressure and mood more than men’s, making it imperative that you do your best
to get a good night’s sleep.
Putting themselves last
Not only are women more likely to compromise their sleeping habits to care for children and others,
they are also prone to putting their own wants and needs at the bottom of a hectic to-do list of chores
and obligations. To avoid running yourself into the ground, learn to sometimes say no to those requests
and commitments that are less than essential, and make sure you set aside some “me” time each week
to do something enjoyable just for you.


If you want something you never had,
do something you have never done.

Don't go the way life takes you.
Take the life the way you go.
& remember you are born to live and
not living because you are born.

Some times Prayers doesnt change the situation,
but it changes our attitude towards situation,
& gives us the hopes which changes our entire Life"

Happiness always looks small if you hold it in your hands,
but when you learn to share it,
you will realize how big and precious it is..

There is sufficiency in the world for man's need,
but not for man's greed.

How to change child's behaviour

How do I stop misbehavior?

The best way to stop unwanted behavior is to ignore it. This way works best over a period of time. When you want the behavior to stop immediately, you can use the time-out method.

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How do I use the time-out method?

Decide ahead of time the behaviors that will result in a time-out (usually tantrums, or aggressive or dangerous behavior). Choose a time-out place that is uninteresting for the child and not frightening, such as a chair, corner or playpen. When you're away from home, consider using a car or a nearby seating area as a time-out place.

When the unacceptable behavior occurs, tell the child the behavior is unacceptable and give a warning that you will put him or her in time-out if the behavior doesn't stop. Remain calm and don't look angry. If your child goes on misbehaving, calmly take him or her to the time-out area.

If possible, keep track of how long your child's been in time-out. Set a timer so your child will know when time-out is over. Time-out should be brief (generally 1 minute for each year of age), and should begin immediately after reaching the time-out place or after the child calms down. You should stay within sight or earshot of the child, but don't talk to him or her. If the child leaves the time-out area, gently return him or her to the area and consider resetting the timer. When the time-out is over, let the child leave the time-out place. Don't discuss the bad behavior, but look for ways to reward and reinforce good behavior later on.

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How do I encourage a new, desired behavior?

One way to encourage good behavior is to use a reward system. Children who learn that bad behavior is not tolerated and that good behavior is rewarded are learning skills that will last them a lifetime. This works best in children older than 2 years of age. It can take up to 2 months to work. Being patient and keeping a diary of behavior can be helpful to parents.

Choose 1 to 2 behaviors you would like to change (for example, bedtime habits, tooth brushing or picking up toys). Choose a reward your child would enjoy. Examples of good rewards are an extra bedtime story, delaying bedtime by half an hour, a preferred snack or, for older children, earning points toward a special toy, a privilege or a small amount of money.

Explain the desired behavior and the reward to the child. For example, "If you get into your pajamas and brush your teeth before this TV show is over, you can stay up a half hour later." Request the behavior only one time. If the child does what you ask, give the reward. You can help the child if necessary but don't get too involved. Because any attention from parents, even negative attention, is so rewarding to children, they may prefer to have parental attention instead of a reward at first. Transition statements, such as, "In 5 minutes, play time will be over," are helpful when you are teaching your child new behaviors.

This system helps you avoid power struggles with your child. However, your child is not punished if he or she chooses not to behave as you ask; he or she simply does not get the reward.

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What are some good ways to reward my child?

Beat the Clock (good method for a dawdling child)

Ask the child to do a task. Set a timer. If the task is done before the timer rings, your child gets a reward. To decide the amount of time to give the child, figure out your child's "best time" to do that task and add 5 minutes.

The Good Behavior Game (good for teaching a new behavior)

Write a short list of good behaviors on a chart and mark the chart with a star each time you see the good behavior. After your child has earned a small number of stars (depending on the child's age), give him or her a reward.

Good Marks/Bad Marks (best method for difficult, highly active children)

In a short time (about an hour) put a mark on a chart or on your child's hand each time you see him or her performing a good behavior. For example, if you see your child playing quietly, solving a problem without fighting, picking up toys or reading a book, you would mark the chart. After a certain number of marks, give your child a reward. You can also make negative marks each time a bad behavior occurs. If you do this, only give your child a reward if there are more positive marks than negative marks.

Developing Quiet Time (often useful when you're making supper)

Ask your child to play quietly alone or with a sibling for a short time (maybe 30 minutes). Check on your child frequently (every 2 to 5 minutes, depending on the child's age) and give a reward or a token for each few minutes they were quiet or playing well. Gradually increase the intervals (go from checking your child's behavior every 2 to 5 minutes to checking every 30 minutes), but continue to give rewards for each time period your child was quiet or played well.

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What else can I do to help my child behave well?

Make a short list of important rules and go over them with your child. Avoid power struggles, no-win situations and extremes. When you think you've overreacted, it's better to use common sense to solve the problem, even if you have to be inconsistent with your reward or punishment method. Avoid doing this often as it may confuse your child.

Accept your child's basic personality, whether it's shy, social, talkative or active. Basic personality can be changed a little, but not very much. Try to avoid situations that can make your child cranky, such as becoming overly stimulated, tired or bored. Don't criticize your child in front of other people. Describe your child's behavior as bad, but don't label your child as bad. Praise your child often when he or she deserves it. Touch him or her affectionately and often. Children want and need attention from their parents.

Develop little routines and rituals, especially at bedtimes and meal times. Provide transition remarks (such as "In 5 minutes, we'll be eating dinner."). Allow your child choices whenever possible. For example, you can ask, "Do you want to wear your red pajamas or your blue pajamas to bed tonight?"

As children get older, they may enjoy becoming involved in household rule making. Don't debate the rules at the time of misbehavior, but invite your child to participate in rule making at another time.

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Why shouldn't I use physical punishment?

Parents may choose to use physical punishment (such as spanking) to stop undesirable behavior. The biggest drawback to this method is that although the punishment stops the bad behavior for a while, it doesn't teach your child to change his or her behavior. Disciplining your child is really just teaching him or her to choose good behaviors. If your child doesn't know a good behavior, he or she is likely to return to the bad behavior. Physical punishment becomes less effective with time and can cause the child to behave aggressively. It can also be carried too far -- into child abuse. Other methods of punishment are preferred and should be used whenever possible.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease, and lightness. This state is then no longer dependent upon things being in a certain way, good or bad. It seems almost paradoxical, yet when your inner dependency on form is gone, the general conditions of your life, the outer forms, tend to improve greatly. Things, people, or conditions that you thought you needed for your happiness now come to you with no struggle or effort on your part, and you are free to enjoy and appreciate them - while they last. All those things, of course, will still pass away, cycles will come and go, but with dependency gone there is no fear of loss anymore. Life flows with ease

Friday, September 2, 2011

OFFERINGS: 10 extra ordinary people

OFFERINGS: 10 extra ordinary people: 10 Top Extraordinary People in the World

1. Kim Ung-Yong: Attended University at age 4, Ph.D at age 15; world’s highest IQ

This Korean...

10 qualities of Man

Men are like... place mats. They only show up when there's food on the table.

Men are like... mascara. They usually run at the first sign of emotion.

Men are like... bike helmets. Handy in an emergency, but otherwise they just look silly.

Men are like... government bonds. They take so long to mature.

Men are like... parking spots. All the good ones are taken.

Men are like... copiers. You need them for reproduction, but that's about it.

Men are like... lava lamps. Fun to look at, but not all that bright.

Men are like... bank accounts. Without a lot of money, they don't generate much interest.

Men are like... high heels. They're easy to walk on once you get the hang of it.

Men are like... miniskirts. If you're not careful, they'll creep up your legs.

Brighten love life

Love is supposed to bring sunshine and happiness into one’s life. If your love life is not brightening up your mood and is, it seems, filling you up with a huge amount of grief instead, then it’s time for de-toxifying your relationship. Here are five simple tips to help you clean up the mess in your love life.

Start talking

Negativities don’t emerge in a single day. They generally build up over a long period of time. If your relationship is plagued with bad vibes today, it’s because you never bothered to sort out the mess before. So talk with your partner about issues that are draining away the fun and happiness from your life. Tell your partner what you feel about them and what this relationship means to you. Tell him/her about things you like and you detest. Spend time just talking and bonding with each other. The immediate benefits of effective communication will surely leave you surprised.

Change your habits

Adjusting a little as per your partner’s needs is a must to make any relationship work. If she dislikes your habit of coming late every time or flirting with other women in front of her, you might as well change these to let peace prevail in your life. It’s really not much of a price for a happy relationship, so go for it.

Accept the issues

Look for mutually acceptable solutions. She is not giving you enough space, or you, in your turn, are getting too curious or possessive about her... Well, whatever the issues may be, you need to accept them as real and arrive at solutions to solve the problem. Do it now before the bond gets severed beyond repair.

Respect emotions

It’s very important to have a partner who respects you for what you are, who trusts you and knows how to read between the lines. This may, of course, take some time to master and for a good and healthy relationship to come about, but you can begin by not passing rude comments about their beliefs, looks and mannerisms.

Go on a holiday

Sometimes boredom kills all the excitement that is necessary to keep a relationship alive and kicking. This lack of excitement that gives way to negativity is a sure shot killer. So infuse some passion and excitement in your relationship by taking a quick romantic break. A weekend holiday is the best option, keeping hectic schedules in mind.

40 Astonishing facts

1. Money isn't made out of paper; it's made out of cotton.

2. The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottle represents the varieties of pickle the
company once had.

3. Your stomach produces a new layer of mucus every two weeks - otherwise it
will digest itself .

4. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.

5. The dot over the letter 'i' is called a "tittle".

6. A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down
continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top.

7. Susan Lucci is the daughter of Phyllis Diller.

8. A duck's quack doesn't echo ... no one knows why.

9. 40% of McDonald's profits come from the sales of Happy Meals.

10 Every person has a unique tongue print (no licking at the scene of a

11. 315 entries in Webster's 1996 Dictionary were misspelled.

12. The 'spot' on 7UP comes from its inventor who had red eyes. He was

13. On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily.

14. During the chariot scene in 'Ben Hur' a small red car can be seen in the

15. Warren Beatty and Shirley MacLaine are brother and sister.

16. Chocolate affects a dog's heart and nervous system; a few ounces will
kill a small sized dog.

17. Orcas (killer whales) kill sharks by torpedoing up into the shark's
stomach from underneath, causing the shark to explode.

18. Most lipstick contains fish scales (eeww)..

19. Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear

20. Ketchup was sold in the 1830s as medicine.

21. Upper and lower case letters are named 'upper' and 'lower' because in
the time when all original print had to be set in individual letters, the
'upper case' letters were stored in the case on top of the case that stored
the smaller, 'lower case' letters.

22. Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at
the same time.

23. Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were
made of wood.

24. There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos.

25. The name Wendy was made up for the book Peter Pan, there was never a
recorded Wendy before!

26. There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with: orange, purple,
and silver!

27. Leonardo Da Vinci invented scissors. Also, it took him 10 years to paint
Mona Lisa's lips.

28. A tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion will make it instantly go mad and
sting itself to death.

29. The mask used by Michael Myers in the original "Halloween" was a Captain
Kirk mask painted white.

30. If you have three quarters, four dimes, and four pennies, you have
$1.19.. You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being
able to make change for a dollar.

31. By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you can't sink in

32. The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law, which
stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your

33. American Airlines saved $40,000 in '87 by eliminating one olive from
each salad served in first class.

34. The first product Motorola started to develop was a record player for
automobiles. At that time, the most known player on the market was the
Victrola, so they called themselves Motorola.

35. Celery has negative calories! It takes more calories to eat a piece of
celery than the celery has in it to begin with. It's the same with apples!

36. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying!

37. The glue on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher.

38. Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often
stolen from Public Libraries.

39. Back in the mid to late 80's, an IBM compatible computer wasn't
considered a hundred percent compatible unless it could run Microsoft's
Flight Simulator game.

40. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space
because passing wind in a space suit damages them.



The third hand holds laddus, the round sweet-meats . They are the rewards of a wise life. Ganesha is never ...

Thursday, September 1, 2011


The third hand holds laddus, the round sweet-meats . They are the rewards of a wise life. Ganesha is never shown eating the laddus. The wise man never partakes of the rewards of his deeds. He is not attached to them. The fourth hand is shown blessing the people. The wise man wishes the best for everyone.

Ganesha has only one tusk; the other is shown broken. There is an interesting story as to how Ganesh happened to get an elephant's head and how one tusk got broken. The symbolism of the broken tusk is that the wise person is beyond duality.

We tend to think that we end when our bodies end in the material world. We are the first person. All else is different. This duality is created by the mind which creates the ego to help us survive in this world. This 'me-other ' duality is the screen keeping us from realising our real Self, which is beyond body and mind.

Once we transcend this duality, we see the entire Universe as a single whole and we become aware of our true Selves. The single tusk of Ganesha symbolises this non-duality . Wisdom allows us to see all as one and ourselves an integral part of the whole.

Ganesha is shown sitting with one foot on the ground and the other resting on his knee, above the ground. The wise person is of this earth, yet not entirely of this earth.

Ganesha is shown seated on a rat. The reason for saying that Ganesha 'rides' on the rat is that the rat is among the greediest of all animals. It will keep nibbling at whatever is available, eating everything it can.

Scientifically, too, the rat's teeth keep growing and it has to keep chewing on something to keep these within limits. The rat is a symbol of our senses, which are never satisfied. They crave new experiences, new tastes. Left uncontrolled , they keep growing forever. The wise person rides on his senses. He keeps them under control.

Ganesha is often shown seated in front of a tray of sweets. In these images the rat is shown sitting in front of Ganesha, perhaps a bit to one side, looking up at him. The senses of the wise person are under his control and the rat dare not eat the sweets without the permission of Ganesha.

Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Parvati, the God governing the life-force and the earthmother . This symbolises the spirit and body of the wise person. Finally, the wise person has the dignity of an elephant.

When we say "Aum Ganeshaya Namah" before starting anything what we are saying is that "In what we are about to do, let wisdom be our guide" . In a sense, Ganesha is our most powerful god, and he is usually remembered before starting any rituals for other deities.

Moments of Life

Moments in Life

There are moments in life when you miss someone
so much that you just want to pick them from
your dreams and hug them for real!

When the door of happiness closes,another opens;
but often times we look so long at the
closed door that we don't see the one,
which has been opened for us.

Don't go for looks; they can deceive.
Don't go for wealth; even that fades away.
Go for someone who makes you smile,
because it takes only a smile to
make a dark day seem bright.
Find the one that makes your heart smile.

Dream what you want to dream;
go where you want to go;
be what you want to be,
because you have only one life
and one chance to do all the things
you want to do.

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,
enough trials to make you strong,
enough sorrow to keep you human and
enough hope to make you happy.

The happiest of people don't necessarily
have the best of everything;
they just make the most of
everything that comes along their way.


Husbands used to be all the same. Not anymore, Rougedefines the new prototype husband. Find out which one works for you!

The Fatherly Husband:

This old almost father-like husband is favourite amongst young girls who want nothing but money. He’s a billionaire, multi-married and is prone to heart attacks! A new young wife immediately puts the grandfather hubby on a diet. There’ll be dramatic weight loss, booze-free, no smoking and coloured hair days. The idea is to keep him fit until he signs everything to his dear wife. Remember, Anna Nicole Smith, 26 and how she married billionaire J. Howard Marshall, 89. Sometimes money takes over love issues!

The Gay Husband:

He is a husband, just for the namesake. The fact that he seems to have gay male friends could be hint. Gay husband is a pain as his true love and feelings is for someone of same sex. Remember the movie, Brokeback Mountain. The man-on-man stories are really catching up. So, ladies better be careful.

The Super-Ugly, Rich Husband:

He’s got everything except the looks. He has the ego of 10 men; he thinks he is God, pays for everyone and everything. Cherry on the top, he will have the most beautiful woman by his side. When you see this couple in a party, the first things that come to your mind are ‘How could she?’ or ‘Does she really have sex with him?’. This husband is surviving because he’s got money everywhere. He’ll pamper her with diamonds, new houses and she’ll stick to him till his money disappears.

The Greedy Husband:

He is too lazy to work and earn huge bucks. The easy way out is to hunt out for a multi-millionaire girl irrespective of her looks. All he wants is a BMW, the wine, cigars, penthouse, club memberships - but he’s not prepared to work hard for them. Fortune-hunting husband is basically a charming, lazy guy.

The Flirty Husband:

He has a nice wife but still he is greedy and loves to be surrounded by other beauties too. He can’t help groping his way through his wife’s friends, female coworkers, lady doctors -- basically any female with good looks. He won’t ever miss a chance of dropping or picking wife’s cousins or female friends to the airport or passing comments like ‘Sorry, but I can’t stop staring at your deep brown eyes’. He’s the sort of man that is incapable of being faithful. No love is true love for him; he can slip for any attractive girl.

The Always Penniless Husband:

The relationship starts off with thousand promises but soon all the charm fades away. He is unemployable, sitting at home eating and watching football. His parents thought he will realize his responsibilities after marriage, but no gain. The wife takes nearly no maternity leave and seems to be supporting her entire household on her salary alone. Truly, this husband is a life sentence of misery.

The Friendly Hubby:

He’s not a bad husband but his life is dedicated to his own social advancement. He cares too much about the parties, hanging with friends, night outs, travelling, long drives with his buddies. He is so very excited about these things, that he won’t even mind taking over his wife’s social life. He doesn’t believe in staying at home, he wants to have blast every night. This kind of husband can drive his wife to social madness.

The Almost Perfect Husband:

On the face, he appears to be a dream husband but in reality he is too irritating. He’s attentive, caring, loving, polite, well-dressed but always hovering near his wife, interrupting when she’s on phone, checking how much she’s been eating, drinking and spending. He’s just too much to handle. He turns up everywhere his wife goes at lunches, parties and he secretly hates her to have any friends and forbids her to even work. He basically shows he is a gem of a husband but he is a real pain. He looks like a perfect guy but he ain’t.